A Trail for Healing

A story of one woman’s journey from trauma to healing!

A Trail for Healing is a passion project intended to offer support to those struggling with generational trauma, mental health issues, and addiction. Through these pages, a Trail for Healing seeks to promote healing, hope, and connection!

Wyoming Hike

This is my story about how I learned respect and forgiveness for the generations that I never knew. For my grandparents and great-grandparents. It is a story about how you never really understand… until “you have walked a mile in their shoes.”


This is a story about how Hapkido changed my life. A never-ending story about how through the discipline of martial arts I grew in confidence, acceptance, and peace. This is my journey from seeing the world as a dangerous and hostile place, to living life by the principles of… Harmony, Empathy, and Resolve.

Appalachian Trail

I did not know it at the time, but the AT was a training hike for my Wyoming hike. It was 300 miles of tears, 300 miles of growth, 300 miles of love and support. The AT was the beginning of my journey…

Generational Trauma

Generational trauma is complex and multifaceted.  It runs deep, and is a hidden part of family dynamics that most people don’t even realize that is affecting them.  Generation trauma is insidious.  It is passed on to you from your parents, and even from your grandparents.  While you may not have experienced a particular trauma personally, you may find yourself dealing with the psychological scars left behind.  As a mild example, suppose your mother almost drowned and subsequently developed a fear of water.  She may have unintentionally passed this fear of water to you or your siblings without realizing it.  The first step is to realize that you are being affected by ghosts from the past, and not even necessarily your own past.  The next step is to talk about it.  Together, we can move to understanding, to compassion, to love and to forgiveness; we can refuse to pass along maladaptive coping strategies that damage us for generations.  Together we can heal.